By spending time with you to find out a lot about your dog's individual problems and how you live together. This is done initially with a behavioural history-taking, to identify the factors that have led to the development of the problem(s), as this importantly affects how the problem can be successfully treated. This is different to some trainers who might describe themselves as behaviourists but who see a behavioural sign such as aggression and only focus on that.
A veterinary behaviourist can help in extra ways. Firstly, by assessing medical problems that might affect a pet's behaviour, particularly pain. Pain is a common factor in behaviour cases and it can be subtle - it's assessed by me and a colleague usually with a video of the pet's gait. Secondly, I can recommend medication that can help in specific situations or more generally. This can make a huge difference to some dogs.
I offer a web-based consultation, or a visit to me, or I can visit you. The fees for these vary and certain options might be more suitable for certain problems. However all consultations assess information from the clinical notes from your vet, a completed questionnaire and video you will send me, and a 1-hour long history taking. All consultation options include a 2nd hour to discuss treatment, a written report sent to you and your vet, and a 30-minute review post-consultation. I would recommend you avoid worrying too much about which option to choose - the important thing is to get good, appropriate advice from me, and an initial phone call can be booked to help you decide if you need it.
Not necessarily. As already stated, in all consultation options I will look at video of your dog's behaviour. With a home visit you must bear in mind that your dog's behaviour might be affected by my presence so assessment will be more difficult in some cases. A home visit might be particularly indicated if the main behaviour problem is with visitors.
I can and have seen cats previously with good results. There are behaviour specialists who only see cat cases.
Check your policy is covered for behaviour problems and if there are any other requirements. Note I have a policy number for Petplan claims and their requirements for membership of certain organisations is for non-vet behaviourists. I don't do direct claims - you would pay me and we make the claim after the consultation.